Mary Poppins - Rediscovered
This weekend, as I was doing some chores around the house, I was pleasantly surprised by the sounds coming from the living room: Mary Poppins was on TV.
I instantly stopped what I was doing, sat down with a cup of coffee, and watched it. How could I have forgotten about it, about what a great film it is?
The thing that I realised while watching it this time that I had not seen ever before is how many beautiful dressing gowns and nightwear garments there are on the film. From Julie Andrews, to Dick Van Dyke and the entire Banks family, they all wear a dressing gown at some point in the film, and what beautiful dressing gowns they are!
From Dick Van Dyke's red smoking jacket, to Mrs. Banks' flowery dressing gown and the cute and cozy kids clothing, they are are all gorgeous, and their quality can be seen even through the TV (or cinema) screen.
This is what we try to create here at Kinnaird, where quality is our main concern in creating pretty, soft and cozy dressing gowns.

Grace kelly in a beautiful silky dressing gown
Today, we have discovered this wonderful picture of none other than Hollywood and real life princess Grace Kelly, in a beautiful yellow silky dressing gown.
It goes to show how royalty members also need warm, cosy anf soft gowns!
How stunning does she look, and how well decorated is her bedroom? Simply fantastic.

Katharine Hepburn, Beauty and Elegance - 19 April 2011
We now bring you another picture of a Hollywood legend in a cozy dressing gown.
Katharine Hepburn is such a classic beauty and carries the beautiful quilted dressing gown so well that no one can deny, this picture is dramatic.
And on the sets of 'The African Queen' or 'Little Women', a dressing gown was not only a useful item in between scenes, but a comforting (and comfortable) essential piece of clothing.
And, boy, does she look good in it!

Sophia Loren in her Dressing Gown - 15 April 2011
Today, we bring you this lovely picture of Italian actress Sophia Loren in her dressing gown and slippers, sitting on the floor and having her breakfast in the dressing room of her bedroom in her apartment.
We can see from the picture how relaxed and comfortable she is in her nightwear, and it's no wonder, given the softness and cosyness of any good quality dressing gown.
You look lovely, Sophia!

The Gorgeous Elizabeth Taylor - 13 April 2011
We thought we'd just take a moment to pay tribute to the great Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor.
She looks so fabulous and youthful in this gorgeous quilted blue dressing gown - 5 April 2011!
This picture harks back to an era when quality and beauty went hand in hand. If like me, you can remember the times when dressing gowns like these were fashionable, it makes one ponder how much the high street has changed and look back fondly at a time when we could buy dressing gowns like these in shops!
Spring is here again! - 25 February 2011
We are now leaving the cold winter nights behind, and beginning to enjoy the warmth of the sun on the clear days. Yes, spring is coming, and it's as bright, colourful and stunning than it ever was.
After all of the Christmas and New Year's excesses, after all the snow and rain, after the short days and long dark nights, we are finally seeing sunnier, longer days.
This is why we have introduced a new dressing gown summer range, with bold colours for the most daring, and soft, light tones to add a touch of romanticism for spring.
New dressing gown shapes, cuts and colours for a new season. Check them all out!
Pre-Order Dressing Gowns - 16 November 2010
The weather has started get colder and with that we have opened pre-ordering on certain dressing gowns.
We are expecting the dressing gowns into us during the second week of December and will begin despatch of all pre-ordered dressing gowns from the 10th December onwards.
When ordering online, payment will be taken at the time of ordering.
Naturally we would love to supply everything from stock, but good chenille is limited in supply. So the only way we can ensure our customers get what want before christmas is to open pre-ordering.
Thanks for reading.
What makes a good dressing down? - 11 November 2010
There are long ones and short ones, zipped ones, buttoned ones and wrap up ones. There are different materials, textures and styles, but, what makes the perfect dressing gown?
The main thing I look for when buying a dressing gown is how comfortable it is. You are going to be wearing your dressing gown often and for long periods of time, so it is important to make sure it fits well.
Another thing worth looking at when purchasing a dressing gown is how warm it is, how fluffy and soft the fabric is, and whether it's not warm enough to keep you through the winter or whether it's just too warm for you.
The cut and design of the dressing gown is also important, but this is ultimately down to taste. There are many different patterns and colours to choose from, but remember to choose one you will not get tired of. Think of whether a zipped, buttoned, or a simple wrap up dressing gown is the best option for you.
There are different lengths for dressing gowns. Make sure you choose the right one according to your height and personal taste.
Don't try to save money on dressing gowns. The quality of the gown is very important and has a great effect on how well it performs. So spending a little bit more money on it can be well worth it, as it will feel more comfortable and warmer and last longer.
It Is Official! - 29 October 2010
The dressing gown season has begun!
I can no longer spend these chilly evenings and mornings without my dressing gown on and I am sure it is the same for most of you.
If you are looking for a warm, high quality gown then I highly recommend Kinnaird dressing gowns. I own one of these myself and I could not be happier!
Why don't you treat yourself to an early Christmas present or surprise your loved ones!
A warm dressing gown is always on my Christmas shopping list.
Only 56 days to go... :-)

Let's hear it for the Women of the Year! - 02 November 2010
Some of the country's most celebrated older women were out on the red carpets in their finery this week for the Harper's Bazaar Women of the Year Awards. Favourites Emma Thompson, Mariella Frostrup and Annie Lennox gave their young counterparts a run for their money, particularly Nannie McPhee star Thompson - recipient of the Role Model of the Year award - who demonstrated her fabulous-at-fifty curves in a sexy satin number.
So whilst most of us are happy to spend these chilly evenings curled up on the sofa in a fluffy dressing gown, let's salute the few who defy comfort to show we can still hold our own against the younger generation!

Preparing for Winter? - 25 August 2010
Many will say it is too early to be thinking about winter season, as it is only August, but if you live in the North of England you will agree that this year summer has not been kind to us. I have found myself sleeping with my warm winter blanket every night and I cannot help but wear my warm dressing gown every night when at home.
If any of you are already starting to prepare for the coming winter then take my advise - invest in a warm, long and cosy dressing gown. It will not only keep you happy and warm on chilly winter evenings, but you might as well find it useful throughout the summer, like in my case.
For those of you who like to be well prepared in advance - why not surprise your loved ones this Christmas with beautiful dressing gowns?! I think it could be a wonderful Christmas present, and I know one thing for sure - someone in my family will be getting one this year!
With that said - I am still hoping that we will be seeing at least a few more sunny, warm days this summer. I'm sure my dressing gown wants a break too..

Stars love their dressing gowns - 10 August 2010
Everyone wears dressing gowns, it is myth that dressing gowns are only worn by the maturer people. Some of us like to wear one after a nice, hot bath, others like to just lounge in one at home on chilly winter evenings. I feel so comfortable and warm and safe when wearing my dressing gown, in fact, I will not be lieing when saying that I wear it all then time whenever I'm at home.
Here is Frankie from The Saturdays, leaving the house in her personalised dressing gown, on her way to a photoshoot. Most of us would not be brave enough to leave our house in a dressing gown, but I suppose when you live the busy life of a star you want to have something comfortable to wear between all the photoshoots, shows and interviews. She looks rather lovely and warm in her dressing gown and seeing this makes me just want to get home and put my gown on.
Are stars really so different from you and I? I'm beginning to doubt it

Madonna Untouched - 9th July 2010
I was pleased as punch when these photographs of Madonna, a respectable 51 years old, were leaked into the media showing the singer before being retouched by the wonderful and powerful Photoshop. For those not familiar with this process, it basically means that before a picture goes to press, whether that is a photo shoot or an album cover, the guys with the wizardry will work their magic and wipe away all those bulges, blemishes and boils.
We are faced with photographs on a daily basis of flawless celebrities, without a ripple or unsightly spot to be seen. This shoot was taken from the Spring/Summer ad campaign for Louis Vuitton in 2009 and it's actually a joy to see Madonna's wrinkles and veiny arms.
I think it will comes as a relief to many seeing these images, finally looking at a celebrity, even one as renowned as Madonna, and seeing imperfections. It almost makes her look human!
I wish my camera had some kind of Photoshop setting, because I've just had the photographs back from my Edinburgh trip and some were dreadful. It would be a lot better if I had a man at home, who could wipe away the wrinkles and the muffin top, just like my fellow older woman, Madonna.

Top 6 Sexiest Women Over 60 - 10 June 2010
1.Helen Mirren
2.Honor Blackman
3.Goldie Hawn
4.Sophia Loren
5.Joanna Lumley
6.Susan Sarandon

The 'Golden Girls' legacy will live on - 7 June 2010
Actress Rue McClanahan, who played the Golden Girl that got around, died June 3 aged 76.
This is an extremely sad day in Hollywood, as the Golden Girls were Grammy Award winning actresses, with the show itself winning six Emmy awards and two Golden Globes.
Rue McClanahans, who played Blanche Devereaux, who's house the women all moved into along the series. Blanche was portrayed as a man-eater and certainly had the most admirers.
The show was hugely popular all over the world running from 1985 to 1992. Before finding worldwide fame in the series, McClanahan had acted on Broadway and later co-starred with future 'Golden Girl' Bea Arthur in the US series 'Maude'.
Her manager told American magazine People that she passed away earlier yesterday (June 3) with her family by her side.
The death of Rue McClanahan leaves 88 year old, Betty White the only remaining member of the cast. Betty released a statement saying: "Rue was a close and dear friend. I treasure our relationship, It hurts more than I ever thought it would, if that's even possible."
Our thoughts go to Rue's friends and family. She is one Golden Girl that will be sorely missed.

Naomi stays warm in her dressing gown - 27 May 2010
Australian actress, Naomi Watts, was snapped on the beach in her towelling robe. She was taking a break from filming her latest movie, Mother and Son, taking time to play with her own son, Alexander on the beach. It's always refreshing to see celebrities dressed down and in this picture Naomi could be any old mum on the beach, although I'm not sure how many women would go out actually wearing their dressing gowns.
Do you remember when the supermarket chain, Tesco, put a ban on people coming in to shop in their PJ's and dressing gowns, which caused much controversy? I don't understand why someone would actually want to pop to the shops without getting dressed but then I'm not a busy working mum anymore, after the children moved out. Naomi on the other hand is, and with small breaks in between filming its no surprise she snaps up the chance to wrap up warm in her robe, slip on those comfy shoes and spend some time with her young son.

Helen Mirren dazzles at Cannes! - 18 May 2010
Actress Helen Mirren was in town last week for Cannes Film Festival, looking absolutely radiant in a number of floor length gowns by some of the world's best designers. Helen always looks so elegant and graceful, she has a timeless beauty that is so rarely untouched. It's a shame that the youth of today will grow up to look plastic and wrinkle free. Botox was unheard of 10 years ago, what would they have done then I ask. They may have had to actually show some emotion through their acting.
The thing I admire about Helen is that she knows what style suits her and she sticks to it. Bare in mind, she no doubt has a stylist who picks out dresses like these for her but other than that I can't imagine the actress slobbing around at home in her dressing gown like me!
The first dress Helen is sporting is by Elie Saab, which looks fabulous with a silver sequin waist tie. The second dress, a black, sleek off the shoulder gown is again by Elie Saab, showing the actress has great taste when it comes to designers. Elie was one of the hottest catwalk shows this year at fashion week and has been spotted on red carpets throughout the year, including the Oscars.

When is summer due? - 13 May 2010
As I write this Paul, the weatherman, on the television has announced that tonight will be minus 4 degrees and be possibly the coldest night in May since 1965! How is that possible? The question I need answering is, if we are at such a risk of global warming why is the world not heating up quicker.
We've had one of the worst winters to date and its about time I packed away my winter dressing gown and put on something lighter and cooler. The sun seems to make everybody in a better, happier mood and believe me, I was hoping it would come sooner rather than later with my grumpy husband. This time of year is usually perfect for picnics, going for a stroll along the river and maybe stopping off for a drink on a Sunday afternoon. I can't remember the last time I went outside the house, never mind and afternoon stroll by the water! I was optimistic about spring coming when we had the spell of dry weather not so long back and I've already packed my winter wardrobe away. So now I have either no clothes to wear or I have to layer so much that I look like I've put on 2 stone over the weekend (which could actually be possible after the amount of chocolate I've been eating).
So summer, can you please hurry up. If not for me, then for the poor people having to witness my bare arms and horrid temper.

A weekend away - 07 May 2010
My husband works for a well-known hotel chain so one of the perks of his job is to receive free nights at the company's hotels across the UK. So to inject a little romance back into our busy schedules I hinted at a break up in sunny, Scotland. Edinburgh to be exact and were all booked for the start of June.
Now, knowing the north of England very well, I'm predicting that even in the heat of summer the weather may have a slight chill to it. So my wonderment was, where could I find a dressing gown that was cosy enough to relax in, was warm enough to take away the chill but let my skin breathe but wait for it, look elegant and, if I have to say it, sexy at the same time?
I didn't actually think it was possible until I came across this gorgeous find for £71.48 inc VAT. This is luxury at its best and the perfect weekend away glamorous cover-up. I hope the husband likes, although knowing what men are like I doubt he'll even realise anything is different. I'll let you know how we get on ladies and I'll be sure to report back how the dressing gown held up in Scotland. If all three boxes needed to be ticked then I think this is the dressing gown to do it.

We should be in charge! - 28 April 2010
I had to laugh recently when I came across an article written about how over 90% of over-50's think parents battling to control wayward children should have the right to invite police officers into their homes to have a stern word with errant youngsters. Why, in a midst of political arguments and vying for our votes, are we, the public, coming up with better ideas than the government themselves. I think this is a great idea and would give parents some of the power they seem to be losing. I think it's a sad fact that young teens nowadays are all tarnished with the same brush. When you see a teen approaching you on the street with a hood up, you automatically cross the road or hold your bag tighter. This young man or woman may just be cold and on their way home but the press have brought to light so many horror stories involving young people it hard to know whom to trust. Maybe bringing police into their homes will give children an insight into what really happens if they break the law. Sorry to be so down hearted but with grandchildren of my own, its something I feel very strongly about. I promise next week to talk about tales from my clumsy husband or my latest telly addiction!

Dressing for the school run - 26 April 2010
As any mother knows, the school run right from getting the kids up to dressing, feeding, packing and getting them to the school gates, is a difficult task at the best of times. So when Tea Leoni put a duffle coat over her robe and a pair of comfy Uggs, we all felt a slight sigh of relief! Even the rich and famous struggle to get dressed when they have children to look after. It's nice to see a star that doesn't rely on a nanny for the school run or a stylist for that matter to make them presentable for the world. Victoria Beckham has confessed in the past to spending two hours getting ready before dropping her three boys of at school in LA. She always looks so polished but who really has that sort of time to spend getting ready. Plus, the schools over here wont draw the amount of paparazzi that the star studded American school does. Now back to Tea Leoni, she takes dressed down to a whole, whole new level. This must be breaking some kind of celebrity code of conduct right?

Who gets your vote baby boomers? - 22 April 2010
So the time has come from the three party leaders to explain their manifestos, telling us we can trust them but not the other parties and that they want to bring Britain back from the brink of what Labour have put us through. The grey vote is going to be more influential than ever before in this forth-coming general election. The over 55 are going to account for more than half the votes cast in the majority of parliamentary seats. The age group is going to hold a great influence in the result of the election. The most important issues to this age group are going to be money, ageism and retirement.
Now, I'm sorry if I seem a little negative but it seems the only time the party leaders, Nick Clegg, Gordon Brown and David Cameron actually go around the country and see how the other side lives is when a vote is needed. They don't do much else all year round apart from claim expenses for KitKats and duck houses alike. I don't want to NOT vote but then it's tough choice whom I actually want to vote for. I think I might just leave them all and vote for the Green Party. A party that has no chance of getting into power but a party that is worth my time walking to the voting booth, instead of the lying, cheating leaders that we have in front of us.
I think this last year especially, support for the government has hit an all time low, with the recession and the expenses scandal. I just hope that whoever gets into power will lift this country out of the state it is in now. I don't claim to be an expert in politics but what the political parties need to realise is that things have changed enormously for this age group and people in their sixties are now a completely different kettle of fish to how they were 15-20 years ago

Style lasts a lifetime! - 16 April 2010
How fabulous do these three women look? Ok, you may not suddenly take to the mix of tartan, shiny material and mustard yellow but how confident do these women look in colour. I think when springtime arrives colour should take a new level in our day-to-day wardrobes. Its all too easy to get stuck in the rut of dressing black but what harm can be doing with a fuchsia cardigan or some cobalt shoes under black wide leg trousers?
I came across the great blog called Advance Style where an artist called Debra takes photographs of women on the street with a great sense of style. What do you think? Which is your favourite look? Take a look at Advanced Style and read the great interviews that Debra has with the women she photographs. These women definately are not afraid of colour which is great mantra to have for Summer! Finally, I think one thing we can learn from these women is that no matter what age you can still dress stylishly and move away from black and into a mix of bright, attention grabbing colours. These ladies certainly did!

Spring time = Wardrobe Detox - 7th April 2010
Now that the clocks have gone forward that means one less hour in bed, and one less hour for me to be wrapped up in my chenille dressing gown. Spring has arrived and that also means a big cleanout of my ever expanding wardrobe.
Every year is the same. I stand staring at my wardrobe, wondering how I managed to acuminate so many items of clothing, most of which I haven't even worn. I also have to admit, seen as were all here, that some have actually still got labels on from the shop.
Why do women, and lets face it, it is usually women that love to shop, find the need to buy items of clothing that they know even whilst they are paying for them at the till they will never ever wear. Same old story, 'it was on sale', 'I'll slim into it' or 'I thought it looked good in the changing rooms.
Changing rooms are lethal to a shopaholic like me. The mirrors and lighting make me look fabulous yet when I get home to my own drably light bedroom with my normal fat showing mirror the clothes never look as good.
So this Spring I'm going to clear out the wardrobe and make room. That room will not be, however, filled with new, unworn purchases. Come back next spring to see if I've managed to stick to that!

Girls just wanna have fun.... - 15 March 2010
This past week I've been proud to call myself a fifty plus woman, with the likes of Helen Mirren, Meryl Streep and Kathryn Bigelow flying the flag for successful older women all over the world.
The Oscars saw both Mirren and Streep nominated for an awards, with this being Meryl Streep's 16 nominations.
Meryl Streep wore a gorgeous white creation from Project Runway veteran, Chris March. She looks so elegant and demure.
Helen Mirren, 64-year-old, paired a Badgley Mischka gown with Chopard earrings for the event, where she's nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her work in The Last Station.
Kathryn Bigelow won the award for Best Director, the first woman to win the accolade in the history of the awards. The film, The Hurt Locker, is an action film war epic. Who can believe this woman is 54 years of age?

The rise of the Cougar - 14 March 2010
We constantly see women in their 40's,50's and sixties looking totally hot and more desirable than they were when they were in their twenties. Why, basically they are more aware of their beauty, their bodies and what they want in life that gives them an irresistible level of confidence.
Many of these women married during a time where it was "proper" to date and marry an older, stable man. But as many divorcee baby boomers can contend, that may have not have been the ingredient for a lasting relationship in the first place. Filled with societies stereotyping, women were to be heard, but not seen.
Many of these women, who were subjective to what society wanted them to be, were people of contributing importance. Years ago, television and movies depicted women to be housewives, working in the kitchen and having and taking care of the children, which was true, but also shunned and was un-accepting for anything outside of this role. This made women looked at as "lesser" of a person to others.
These confident, cougar-minded women learned by experiences from their past relationships. They are able to feel more empowered in relationships because of what they had to do to survive. This naturally has made these women more self-dependant than ever before. This is actually one of the attributes that younger men like...experience. Experience means less "clingy" which all men tend to not like.
All in all, we are in a society today that is more accepting of the Cougar Dating phenomenon. Not only that, but more women are standing up and saying "if men can do it, why can't we". Men aren't the only one's that want to have fun and feel young again!
Pictured here are Madonna and her toy-boy boyfriend Jesus Luz.

Dakota Fanning - 23 February 2010
One of the hottest actresses around right now, known for her excellent acting abilities in films such as War of the Worlds and Charlotte's web, is Dakota Fanning. Dakota is slowly growing to be one of the stylish additions to the fashion world also, appearing on the cover of Teen Vogue in a Gucci dress and a Vera Wang necklace.
Dakota is currently staring in vampire thriller, New Moon, part of the Twilight saga. Although she has been on the Hollywood scene for years, it is only now that the fashion world has sat up and began to take notice. She is now edging towards more gritty parts with a role in the darker flick, Runaways with Kristen Stewart.
Here Dakota can be seem coming from her trailer in a canary yellow robe, a staple wardrobe item of any actress or actor.

Stan Herman hits New York Fashion Week - 18 February 2010
Stan Herman, the designer who made chenille robes fashionable, took to New York Week this past week to show his support for fellow designers.
Stan Herman, currently designing for his extremely successful range for television shopping channel QVC, was spotted on the front row of Nicole Miller and Tracy Reese, showing he is still in with the fashion pack since his days as the president of Council of Fashion Designers of America. Stan Herman was seen with CFDA's Stephen Kolb, a long running friend and collegue.
On the recent news that New York Fashion Week will be staged at Bryant Park after years of coming together as a group to showcase, the designer who was president of the Council of Fashion Designers of America at the time said: "Fashion in the '80s in New York was still very provincial, we had designers, but we had no cohesiveness. We were just a way station for fashion."

Rise of Sales in Dressing Gowns - 10 February 2010
Dressing gown sales are on the increase but retailers are at a loss why. Well I can explain why, it's because were so poor to be able to anything in the outside world with the recession (which is now supposedly over so expect prices of petrol and food to shoot through the roof!) that we stay in doors, one where its warm and two because its free!
If we're going to stay in doors then were going to do it properly and get into our PJ's as soon as we arrive through the door. Or is that just I?
Since turning, well I'll miss that piece of information out, but since turning ? I seem to getting into my dressing gown a lot earlier than I used to. Its just that its so god dam comfy. I'm not going to apologise. I've had a hard day at work and if I wish to change into my nightwear at 6.30pm then I will.
Reading that back has just made me realise what I grumpy old woman I'm becoming. My last post was the same. Ok, I promise my next post will be full of happiness and joy
well we'll see. Till next time readers.

Valentines Approaching - 7 February 2010
With Valentines Day approaching this Sunday I thought maybe I should find something a little, let's say sexy for my husband. But then the grown up in me realised we've been married for 25 years and if he turned in from work with me dressed up in satin and lace I think he'd have a early heart attack.
I think Valentines Day is less about romance and love and more about capitalising on people spending money on cards, gifts, flowers and 'surprise' weekends away. It's yet another way for us to feel sad if we don't have anyone to share the day with and sad if we don't go all out for the one we do have!
Anyway, who cares about Valentines Day when two days later you've got pancake day, surely a better day to appreciate the one you love by feeding them up on various concoctions of pancakes, sugar, lemon and ice cream! Now that's what I call love.
Man Flu - 03 February 2010
The symptoms were as follows: runny nose, a slight temperature, a tickly cough. These symptoms to me indicate the common cold. Not to my boyfriend however. It started Sunday morning when he struggled to get out of bed due his headache, which could have almost been a brain tumour the way he described the pain.
As the day drew on, his symptoms got decidedly worse, with his forcing a cough every time I went through the living room, whilst he sits back in his dressing gown and slippers struggling with man flu. Man flu is a term us girls use when a man's world come to a halt whilst he recovers from a cold that most women would just shrug off and get on with every day life.
It's now Wednesday and he is slowly recovering from his illness, expecting constant cups of lemsip and throat sweets to be supplied by myself, as I vacuum around his feet and clear up his cups that have managed to stick to the side the length of time they have been placed there. I'm ranting now, but as I sit and discuss the situation with my friends it seems I'm not the only woman going through this rigmarole with their significant other.
Men are known to be hypochondriacs and if they do actually manage to get up off the sofa, they certainly have no problem in letting us know what a soldier their being by doing so. This morning I took his dressing gown away, put it in the machine and stated that under no circumstances was he putting it back on until he blew his nose and got over the fact he had a cold. End of discussion.

Good enough for Bond? - 27 January 2010
Bond. James Bond. One of the most suave and sophisticated men out there, although I have to remember Mr Bond is only a fictional character. My favourite Bond has to be the newest to the bunch, Daniel Craig. One photograph of him rising from the sea in those tight trunks makes me go weak at the knees.
Bond is known for his charm with the ladies and is usually seen wrapping himself up in a silk robe the morning after the night before, another beauty curled up in his bed.
Roger Moore was the original Bond for me. Both his action and kissing skills were second to none. Boys in robes are cute, men over 60 in robes are comfy. Those in-between are pretty much Bond material. It's time to buy your man a silk robe, even though Christmas is over it's never too late to make your man feel shaken, not stirred!

The Original Super Models - 22 January 2010
I am so excited to see the rebirth of original super models. They were great in the 90's and they seem even better now. Naomi, Claudia and Linda were amongst some of the most beautiful people in the world and the latest advert from Dolce and Gabanna see these three, along with some very hunky male models, stripping from some luxurious looking white robes to their bare skin to advertise the new D&G Anthology fragrance.
There's something so timeless about a white robe, probably why it was chosen for this type of advert. The models are both classic and eternally beautiful. It was famous photographer to the stars, Mario Testino that created the beautifully shot advert. The fragrance didn't need props and costume changes, all it took were six white robes and six flawless bodies
Failed Resolutions - 22 December 2009
Christmas is upon us and another year has past where my new years resolutions have gone a miss yet again. Every year, I promise myself that this year I'll loose that dreaded last stone, take better care of my skin, keep in touch with friends and exercise more. With the mornings as cold as they are, the last thing I want to do is get is get out of bed to put on a pair of trainers and go the gym. When I'm nicely wrapped up my dressing gown, you wouldn't prise me out of it to even do a work out video in my front room!
I'm hoping next year will be different but then again, I hope the same every year. I figure that if I wanted these changes that badly, I would have done something about it by now. So that's my reasoning for being lazy! Lets hope someone buys me a gym membership this year instead of another gorgeous chenille night gown, otherwise I'm not moving on a morning, until the last minute where I think I'm going to be late for work!

Kaftans - Not just for the beach - 14 December 2009
I remember when the news hit that David Beckham had been wearing a kaftan, styled by his Queen WAG, Victoria Jackson. I giggled as I thought about what a strange beach item for a man to wear. The next thing we'd know he'd be turning up in a sequin bikini, topped off with statement jewellery!
Nothing covers up better than a kaftan, and why should we let the weather or season for that matter, dictate when we can wear our favourite cover up?
With this sumptuously soft, fresh and flattering chenille kaftan, which has been designed in every way to combine comfort with style, night times can be as snug and as flattering as you want.
The design details include generous, wide lifting arms and a V-neck so it slips easily over the head. The chenille is wide rib, which while keeping the wearer warm while looking great.
I think this kaftan is perfect after a shower, by the pool or for lounging through the day, casual Sundays I like to call them.
Sixty is the new Forty - 03 December 2009
With a series of programmes from channel four this month, age sixty is now something to look forward to. Starting with Embarrassing Old Bodies the channel looked at problems such as menopause, bunions and prostate cancer, somethings that will affect all of us in some way or another in later life.
Gok will spread his magic on the older lady with his Sexy Over Sixty programme, in a bid to make the women of the world over 60 see that they can still love their bodies, Gok meets 72-year-old Sue who lost confidence when her husband died 3 years ago. I love Gok and find myself every Christmas asking for something that he has written to make me feel that little bit more stylish.
When ladies like me and you slip off our dressing gown its always nice to feel good in our own skin and with help from Gok Wan we can learn to look better naked!
Gok can be found tomorrow night (Monday 23rd Nov) at 9.00pm on Channel Four.
Victoria Jackson

Time for sales to begin - 16 November 2009
With the recession hitting the UK hard this year the high street has seen sense, bringing the January sales forward to before Christmas, just in time for the festive shopping.
But when the weathers as horrible and dreary as this, who wants to be trudging the pavements with the Xmas shoppers, all pushing and grabbing for a bargain? Not me, that's for certain. Now I've grasped the art of Internet shopping I need never leave my own front room!
Not only do I get my books, music, groceries and clothes online, I can now search the sales without my toes getting trodden on and my hair turning frizzy in the fine rain, the sort that soaks you through to the bone.
Here at Kinnaird, if I'm looking for a new nightie or a new dressing gown, I can just scroll down the page and see the fantastic reductions we have.
At the risk of sounding like some over enthusiastic sales man, some items have been reduced by a whopping 80%. Some things just don't get any better than this, and fellow shoppers you have to agree with me when I say, who doesn't just love the feeling of a bargain. Especially if that bargain is 100% chenille and feel fabulously toasty in this drab, winter weather.
Throw on a bed jacket - 8 November 2009
With vintage being my main passion, whether it is an ornate vintage necklace found in my grandmother's dresser or a framed Vogue cover from 1960, the thrill of finding something old yet beautifully in tact is why I am officially hooked on vintage.
One of my idols, regardless if she is a fictional character, is Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City.
Although it was the creation of stylist Patricia Fields, Carrie had that style that many tried to emulate, with few actually succeeding.
It was Carries look in, I think, season 3, when she strutted around 5th Ave with knee high socks, skirt, vintage camisole and a bed jacket. A Chanel bed jacket I might add, but a bed jacket at that. It was a style high, simple as that, striking the trend for nightwear as outwear.
The trend for this is gaining popularity right now and with the trend for vintage never been as strong, I think I may have to snap up a cosy, little bed jacket to throw over my slip dress and tough biker boots, to balance the look over all. Keeping me warm and stylish all in one buy!

Models Back Stage - 1 November 2009
Now that the Fashion Weeks have come to a spectacular close I decided to browse back stage photographs of some of the biggest shows. I wanted to dig deep and find out what really goes on behind the scenes, fulfilling my journalist need to nosey.
Among the champagne and fruit (no carbs of course!) the one thing that stood out was the amount of models sat round in their luxe dressing gowns waiting for hair and make up.
Bare in mind these girls were already incredibly beautiful and nothing like myself on a morning, sat waiting for my make up and hair to miraculously be complete. These girls looked a vision in white, even if it was only chenille and flannel.
My point is, looking at these glamorous shots taken from Paris Fashion Week, it shows that models, however much me might like to see them as alternative beings, are simply just like me and you and like nothing better than wrapping up warm, sipping champagne and nibbling on carrot sticks. Actually forget the last two.
Victoria Jackson

Dressing Gowns At London's South Bank - 16 October 2009
Fans of the Douglas Adams series Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy gathered at London's South Bank in their dressing gowns to celebrate the books, as well as the pending release of And Another Thing.
Groups gathered in their dressing gowns, in honour of Adams' hero Arthur Dent, while carrying towels for Ford Prefect, who first saves Dent from Earth being destroyed to make way for a hyperspace highway.
It is very unusual to see groups of young people in their dressing gowns in the street. Seeimg it on a regular basis would certainly make me feel more comfotable when I nip to the post box in a dressing gown.

Wedding Morning - 8 October 2009
With my sisters pending wedding slowly approaching I thought what better present to buy her than a luxurious chenille dressin gown for the morning of the nuptials.
Taking into consideration she chose New Years Eve to get married, the weather is sure to be chilly. The fantastic thing about chenille that I love is that not only does it keep you warm but also the material enables the skin to breathe, which can only be a good thing whilst trying to get ready to look the best on the biggest day of your life.
I might even go as far as getting myself and the other two bridesmaids a dressing gown to make sure we can apply our make-up and have our hair quaffed without the worry of spilling something on your gorgeous floor length black silk gowns.
This Shawl Collar Wrap Dressing Gown With Windowpane Effect will be perfect, long enough to keep us covered on the cold morning, whilst not drowning my sisters now super skinny frame.
It is set to be the most important day of her life and as chief bridesmaid I think its my job to make the second most vital part (minus the vows) of getting ready as easy as possible and what better way to start the day than wrapping yourself up warm in this sumptuous chenille robe.
Victoria Jackson

Even Cheryl Cole Loves Her Dressing Gown - 24 September 2009
Most of our customers tend to be repeat customers, people who've enjoyed our dressing gowns in the past and would like to do so again.
It is myth that dressing gowns are only appreciated by the maturer section of society.
The fact is that everyone wears dressing gowns, some people like to lounge in one at home, others like to apply make up in them. Today's celebrity of the moment Cheryl Cole is seen here in a dressing gown.
So why is it that some poeple consider dressing gowns to be so uncool?
Maybe it's because the likes of Cheryl Cole and Madonna never come out and say they like them. Or maybe it's because when they get in their dressing gowns, that is their private time away from prying eyes. The dressing gown is their security blanket.
Making me wonder, in one aspect maybe they aren't so different from you and I.
Sizing Is So Important - 18 September 2009
Perhaps one of the most difficult parts of buying anything is getting the correct size. At Kinnaird we try and make this as easy as possible by offering the largest size range we can. By the end of October nearly all of the current range with be available from extra small to extra, extra, extra large. The sizes convert as follows :
Extra Small - 8/10
Small - 12/14
Medium - 16/18
Large - 20/22
Extra Large - 24/26
2X Large - 28/30
3X Large - 32/34
In response to customer feedback, we are also going to be introducing some items in petite sizes by mid October. So keep checking back.

The Importance Of The Right Belt - 11 September 2009
Each of us has our own taste and it deserves to be catered for, sadly the major high street multiples seem to have forgotton that we have different tastes.
An example in point is the wrap over dressing gown, a favourite of many of our customers. But what of the different belts to go with the dressing gown? After all some people don't like the belt that is simply slotted in the loops.
The set in belt is unique in that it actually forms part of the dressing gown. It does not have loops as it is part of the garment, which means it is not possible to loose the belt either. The set in belt gives the dressing gown shape, it gives the illusion of the dressing gown coming in at the waist.
The set in belt is also a great place to add detail. The wrap chenille dressing gown with scrolls has decoratve scrolls where the set in belt is. This detail gives it a truly unique appearance, which helps set this dressing gown apart from the run of the mill dressing gowns on the high street.
You could compare it to the belts that young girls wear over their clothes, to give more shape. A fashion which has only just caught on. Except at Kinnaird we've been doing the set in belt for close to a hundred years and the high street retailers call us old fashioned !!!

Kinnaird & Men's Dressing Gowns - 07 September 2009
With the coming autumn and winter seasons we've been developing our own range of men's dressing gowns. As there seems to be a severe lack of good men's dressing gowns around.
I came across the silk dressing gown in the image a few days ago. It looks amazing but at £2000 it is beyond the reach of most mere mortals.
The Kinnaird men's dressing gown range promises to be more modestly priced, but not at the cost of quality. We are developing a range of men's dressing gowns in superluxe chenille, cashmere and yes even silk. These will come in the form of a dressing gown, robe and even a smoking jacket. All beautifully crafted by Kinnaird.
So watch this space.

Make The Most Of Winter!- 04 September 2009
Ah the winter blues
the chill is on! Blustery rain, the air is nippy and some of us would love to escape the season altogether to hibernate, dreaming of the sun-kissed days of summer.
The first winter chill brings the promise of hot chocolate, mum's home cooked hot meals and snuggling up in front of the fire with a good book. It also brings up a seasonal conundrums as we rummage through our wardrobes to find a warm good quality to keep that bitter chill at bay! As sometimes our old gowns that have been lying at the back of the wardrobe all summer can look a bit tired and battered.
Panic no more! At Kinnaird Ireland, the Winter sale has come early this year with our 80% sale, a great time to invest in a new winter . Or if you don't find anything that suits you in our sale there are plenty others that may take your fancy!
What About Cashmere? - 28 August 2009
We recently recieved a lovely letter from a lady in Somerset who was distraught at not being able to get another Kinnaird cashmere dressing gown!
She had been looking for a replacement for years, but could just not find a Kinnaird stockist. A common problem and the main reason we set up the website.
Luckily she noticed an article about us and sent us a letter. She thought we no longer made a cashmere dressing gown.
Our reply to the lovely lady and to our to loyal customers is....
With colder weather around the corner, you can expect to a the Kinnaird cashmere dressing gown on this site very soon!'

The Hood Robe With A Twist - 25 August 2009
On the robe in the image, the chenille has been made in such a way as to achieve a two tone, or what others may call a speckled effect. As you can see from the image the robe is actually black, but has a white yarn in amongst the black. This effect is totallly unique to chenille as the white colour is not printed on, but it part of the pile.
By the middle of September this hood robe will be back in stock, but with a twist. We have decided to make it in a plain colour, so it will be available in plain black and one other colour, based on customer suggestions. So getting writting and tell us what colour you'd like to see this robe in.

The Kaftan & Nightwear - 24 August 2009
Following customer feedback we have introduced the kaftan to our online range. We intend to introduce more kaftans to our online collection soon.
This georgous kaftan is in cotton chenille and is available in moonshine blue or soft white. It is in line with our policy of offering a wide size range, with sizes from small to 2xl available from stock.
We are in the process of expanding our online range and will be adding a range of nightwear to the site soon. It will include nighties, pyjama suits and night dresses.
If there is anything you would like to see on the site, just drop us a line and we'lll see what we can do.

Kinnaird Ireland Can Help You To Go Green!- 20th August 2009
Kinnaird Ireland can help you to live a Green Friendly Life by keeping in the heat!
Recently tried and tested, wearing your luxury chenille http://www.kinnairdireland.co.uk/cgi-bin/ss000001.pl?PRODREF=6520&NOLOGIN=1" target="_self">gown over your clothes while snuggling up on the sofa with a good book is a sure way to be green with a little help from Kinnaird Ireland.
It definitely works and why not try by adding slippers and a woolly hat for extra low carbon toastiness!
Kinnaird Ireland are all for being Eco friendly which is why we have also included a few extra tips to help be greener by helping the environment.
1. Green Cooking Tips- Don't microwave plastic, reduce your use of prepackaged foods and stop using cheap non-stick pans, which leach toxins into your meal as you cook, consider buying organic foods. When choosing between two like items in the supermarket, pick the one with the less wasted packaging.
2. Reduce Waste- Recycle newspapers and other items whenever possible. Reduce your dependence on fast food, which creates a lot of waste products. Reuse plastic bags at least once.
3. Grow Your Own Foods As Much as Possible- Create a vegetable garden and use as few pesticides and chemical fertilizers as possible. Consider using a rain barrel to water your plants, instead of using public water.
Going green at home doesn't just help the environment, it save you money too!

What Goes On After Their Gigs??- 12 August 2009
You would expect the likes of superstar girl band, Girls Aloud to be sipping champagne and eating strawberries and chocolates backstage after a gig...but apparently not!
After snooping around on the web for new inspiration, we at Kinnaird Ireland have found it to be a bit of a shock that it isn't just us oldies that look forward to cosying up in our favourite dressing gown....
Girls Aloud do too! Apparently the first thing they do is take off their gltzy costumes, kick off their heels, loung in their fluffy dressing gown and sit their feet in buckets of hot water!
Now there's a suprise!

Sundays Are For Lounging In Luxury!- 11 August 2009
Sunday's are for 'lounging' and what better way to than to lounge in luxury with a Kinnaird Super Lux chenille Gown.
We, at Kinnaird Ireland are inviting you to take the opportunity to lounge in luxury on those lazy Sunday afternoons and indulge in one of our Super Lux chenille Dressing Gowns.
Winter seems a million miles away at the moment but why not prepare early for those bitter winter months and indulge in pure luxury with a Super Lux chenille gown made exclusively by Kinnaird Ireland.
With the winter season comes ice wind and snow, a perfect opportunity to "nest" at home and snuggle up with one of the brand's super soft luxury chenille dressing gowns that promises to really take the chill out of the season!
We crave comfort and convenience whenever possible, we want to lounge in big comfortable dressing gowns and fluffy throws with a cup of cocoa and an eventful film for company
The Super Lux Cotton chenille Zip Dressing Gown by Kinnaird Ireland has been made in super lux chenille which is exclusive to the Kinnaird manufacturing process, the result is a heavier more lush pile.
This soft and fluffy cotton chenille dressing gown, available in Moonshine Blue and Soft White has a full length zip also featuring a shaped yoke with jumbo cotton chenille rib contrast in it. The jumbo cotton rib is unique to chenille which has also been added to the cuffs and two concealed pockets, perfect for lounging around!
So go on treat yourself and over indulge it whats going to be a chilly season!
The Glamour of the Bed Jacket - 24 July 2009
There comes a time when a woman feels the need to trade in her oversized tee and boyfriend shorts for something a little bit slinkier and a bit more glamorous.
The bed jacket, a waist length robe is short in length with a cape like cut, allows it to be removed or worn in bed. Perfect for those lazy Sunday morning breakfast.
Originally worn by those hospitalised or who have been recommended bed rest, the bed jacket is making a come back.
Looking back to the 1920's, when the bed jacket made its first appearance on the silver screen, glamorised in the Hollywood films of the 20's and 30's.
Beautiful movie stars would lounge in their ornate bed jackets, embellished with feathers, lace and swans down.
It was the stars such as Greta Garbo, Ginger Rodgers and Claudette Colbert, in It Happened One Night with legend Clark Gabel, that popularised the bed jacket, when short and sensual lead the way forward.
The bed jacket now is ideal for those chilly mornings, when feeling cosy and warm is top of your agenda. It is also perfect as you settle back in bed with a good book and a steaming hot chocolate.
A bed jacket has been high on my 'must buy' list for some time now, searching for the perfect vintage bed time cover-up whilst a super-luxe chenille bed jacket would be ideal for those cold winter nights.
Been a fan of black and white films the best way to recreate a slice of the glamour of that era is to choose something a little more stylish for bed time and the bed jacket fills that hole perfectly.

Celebrities wrap up warm in Chenille - 17 July 2009
What better way to wrap up after a hard days filming than in a luxurious, soft to the touch chenille dressing gown. Most actors and actresses know the understated luxury of having a 100% dressing gown waiting in their trailer when filming wraps mid shoot.
Rather than quickly jumping into an old pair of dowdy sweats, the more glamorous of actresses prefer to wear a chenille dressing gown, the epitome of minimalist chic on set.
Dressing gowns, in the past, have being linked to the stereotypical view of an elderly gentleman, pondering in the drawing room whilst drinking a nightcap of Whiskey. However, the dressing gown is making an impact on the fashion world.
Friends star, Courtney Cox Arquette was papped stylishly wrapped in a ballerina style chenille dressing gown. The 100% cotton chenille material allows the skin to breathe, making the perfect item to wear whilst having hair and makeup applied.
The naturally breathable materials is also kinder to the skin, as well as being eco friendly, something at the forefront of most environmentally conscious celeb'.
When Carly Zucker, wife of England footballer Joe Cole, got married recently, photographs showed the WAG exiting her hotel in a full length chenille robe, emblazoned on the back with the word 'bride'.
Although slightly ostentatious, the dressing gown was there to protect her £10,000 Ana Cristache wedding dress as she had her make up applied and hair quaffed.
It was certainly a lot more chic and sophisticated than other Wag's, who have preferred the chavtastic velour tracksuit on their wedding morning.
It seems that a chenille robe is top of the celebrities list, which is something that me and you can recreate easily enough in the comfort of our own home.